Location: Murfreesboro, TN

eSPACE Module: Event Scheduling with Facility Systems Integration

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Transforming Church Operations: Northside Baptist's Journey with eSPACE and Pelican Thermostats


Before integrating eSPACE and Pelican Thermostats, Northside Baptist Church faced significant challenges in managing their HVAC system effectively. The church’s expansive building was often heated or cooled unnecessarily, leading to excessive energy waste and operational inefficiencies. Staff had to manually adjust settings on-site, which was not only inconvenient but also time-consuming. This inefficiency often resulted in spaces being uncomfortably hot or cold, prompting frequent complaints and requiring staff to physically adjust thermostats.


Northside Baptist Church adopted eSPACE, a comprehensive facility management software, coupled with Pelican’s smart thermostat technology. This integration allowed for centralized and remote control over the HVAC system, which significantly streamlined operations. By moving to eSPACE, the church was able to manage all event scheduling and HVAC needs through a single, integrated calendar. This meant that any changes in the event schedule would automatically update the HVAC settings accordingly.

The Impact of eSPACE:

The shift to eSPACE transformed the way Northside Baptist managed their facilities:

  • Reduced Energy Consumption: With smarter scheduling and remote thermostat control, the church drastically reduced the wastage of energy, effectively cutting down on utility costs.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: The integration freed up significant man-hours previously spent on manual scheduling and thermostat adjustments. Facility staff could now focus on other critical maintenance tasks, improving overall productivity.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Convenience: Automating the HVAC system ensured that spaces were appropriately heated or cooled based on actual usage, enhancing comfort for all churchgoers and staff.
  • Simplified Facility Management: By centralizing all controls within eSPACE and Pelican, the church simplified its operational processes, making it easier to manage lighting and other systems alongside HVAC.

Cory Sproles, Administrative Pastor at Northside, noted, “The integration of eSPACE with Pelican thermostats has not only simplified our lives but also ensured that our energy consumption is as efficient as possible. We’re managing fewer systems, and everything we need is either in eSPACE or Pelican. For any church still on the fence, consider the man-hours and energy you’re currently wasting. This solution will more than pay for itself with the efficiencies it brings.”


Northside Baptist Church’s experience highlights the significant benefits of integrating advanced facility management software with smart thermostat technology. This solution not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports environmental stewardship by reducing unnecessary energy use. Churches looking to optimize their facility management processes should consider the powerful combination of eSPACE and smart technologies like Pelican thermostats for streamlined operations and substantial cost savings.

Watch the video testimonial here!